
【校级报告】Precision measurement and precision control in ultracold atoms, with a few applications


报告题目:Precision measurement and precision control in ultracold atoms, with a few applications

报告人:张熙博 研究员


主持人:蒋燕义 研究员




After nearly thirty years of development, research on ultracold atoms has become one of the representative fields of atomic, molecular, and optical physics, providing powerful tools for studying fundamental scientific problems. In this seminar, I will discuss precision measurement techniques and the corresponding precision control techniques in ultracold atomic systems, with a focus on precision frequency techniques. I will further discuss the recent progress we made on building an ultra-stable laser with a 3-K single-crystal silicon optical cavity. I will also describe a few applications of precision techniques in ultracold atoms, such as the experimental realization of two-dimensional Dirac-type spin-orbit coupling and the Qi-Wu-Zhang model in ultracold fermions, and topological spin-orbit-coupled fermions beyond rotating wave approximation.


Xibo Zhang received his Ph.D. degree at the University of Chicago in 2012/03 and then performed postdoctoral research at JILA, CU Boulder. In 2015/12 he joined the International Center for Quantum Materials, School of Physics, Peking University as an assistant professor. His experimental research mainly involves the precision control of quantum materials and quantum simulation based on ultracold atoms.