
【校级报告】Tailored Luminescent Photochemical Sensors for Industrial, Environmental and Aerospace Applications


报告题目Tailored Luminescent Photochemical Sensors for Industrial, Environmental and Aerospace Applications

报告人Guillermo ORELLANA, Full Professor of Organic Chemistry & Photochemistry

报告人单位Complutense University of Madrid

主持人张三军 教授




Sensors are currently regarded as the “senses of electronics”: eyes and ears capable of seeing and hearing beyond the human perception; electronic noses and tongues that can recognize odors and flavors without a lifetime training; touches that are able not only to feel the surface physical properties but even to discern its chemical composition. Among the world of chemical sensors, optical devices (sometimes termed “optodes”, from the Greek “the optical way”) have reached a prominent position in those areas where the features of light and of the light-matter interaction prevail. The introduction of optical fibers, low-cost electronics,integrated optics and photochemistry has added even more value to such sensors. The lecture will take you through a journey from the molecular engineering and realization of luminescent coordination complexes, to the fabrication and on-site application of fiber-optic chemical sensors and biosensors to solve the challenges posed by environmental, energy generation and aeronautical industries themselves to the UCM Chemical Optosensors & Applied Photochemistry Group (GSOLFA).


Guillermo Orellana (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4572-6564), Full Professor of Organic Chemistry and Photochemistry at Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) in Spain, received his PhD in Chemistry (1988) from the same University having performed a 6-month secondment at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland; with Prof. A.M. Braun). Fulbright Post-doctoral Scholar at Columbia University in the City of New York (1988-89; with Prof. N.J. Turro). Visiting Prof. at the Free University of Brussels (ULB, 1990). Since 2001, he leads the multidisciplinary UCM Optical Chemosensors & Applied Photochemistry Group (GSOLFA, https://www.gsolfa.info/en/home/). His current research interests include the development of novel photochemical principles for optical sensing, molecular engineering of tailored indicator dyes, molecular recognition (nano)materials, fiber-optic chemical sensors and biosensors for environmental monitoring, (bio)process control, aerospace applications, and food analysis. Applications of singlet dioxygen to disinfection are also within his research areas. More than 150 publications and various book chapters on these topics, together with 20 patents (half of them international) collect Prof. Orellana's basic and applied research. He has been co-Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier's Sensors & Actuators B: Chem. (2018-2021; Honorary Editor since then), and since 2006 he serves as Chairman of the Permanent Steering Committee of the successful Europt(r)ode Conference Series (European Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors and Biosensors).