
阮自强:FCNC Processes in Minimal G2HDM



报告题目:FCNC Processes in Minimal G2HDM



报  告  人:阮自强 研究员

主  持  人:薛   迅 教    授

报告人简介:Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica PhD 1986 Northeastern University Postdoc 1986 – 1989: Vanderbilt University Postdoc 1989 – 1992: Northwestern University Postdoc 1992 – 1997: University of California, Davis Postdoc 2005 – 2006: National Tsing Hua University Adjunct Assistant Professor 2006 – 2007: National Tsing Hua University Staff Scientist 2007 – 2008: National Center for Theoretical Sciences Research Fellow 2008 – Present: Academia Sinica。

报告简介:Loop induced flavor-changing-neutral-current (FCNC) processes like a muon and b quark radiatively decay into an electron and a strange quark respectively are scrutinized in detail in the minimal gauged two-Higgs-doublet model (G2HDM). Constraints on the parameter space in the model are deduced. Future prospects of the model will be discussed.