
【校级报告】Resonantly enhanced molecular alignment


报告题目:Resonantly enhanced molecular alignment

报告人:Prof. Olivier Faucher

报告人单位:Université de Bourgogne

主持人:马俊杨 副研究员




The concept of using a strong laser pulse to align molecules in space gained significance withthe first experiments in the early nineties. Since then, substantial efforts have been dedicatedto enhancing our understanding of the underlying physics and extending experimentalboundaries. While most studies have focused on molecules non-resonantly coupled to thefield through their polarizability, molecular systems aligned through resonant interactionshave received comparatively little attention. In this presentation, we will provide, to the bestof our knowledge, the first observation of resonantly enhanced molecular alignment anddiscuss the advantages and specific characteristics of this method compared to the nonresonantregime.


Olivier Faucher received his PhD in nonlinear optics jointly from the CEASaclay (France) and the University of Lille (France) in 1991. After performingpostdoctoral research at FORTH-IESL (Greece) from 1992 to 1994,he joined the University of Burgundy (France) in 1995, being currently afull professor in physics and head of the Femtosecond Laser Group. Hiscurrent research interest is related to molecules exposed to strong laserfields, including molecular alignment, laser coherent control, and productionof harmonic radiations.