
2012.11.14 张卫山教授 (autonomic) middleware for Internet of Things


题目: (autonomic) middleware for Internet of Things

报告人:张卫山 教授

时间: 20121114日(星期三)下午230

报告摘要:In this talk, we will introduce the EU FP6 Hydra pervasive service middleware for Internet of Things, including the service and device discovery, context-awareness, self-management, network management etc. done in Hydra, pointing out problems we found in this project. We will present evaluations of the these work and present our ongoing work towards the inclusion of improved architecture utilizing cloud computing, enhanced vision on context-awarenss for pervasive cloud services systems.


报告人简介: Weishan Zhang is now a full professor at China Univ. of Petroleum. He was a Research Associate Professor/Senior Researcher at Computer Science Department, University of Aarhus (since June 2007 til Dec. 2010), and was a Technical Manager (Aug. 2008-Dec. 2009) for Hydra pervasive middleware for Internet of Things. He had visited Carleton University, Canada from Jan. 2006 to Jan. 2007. He was a NSTB post-doctoral research fellow at Department of Computer Science, National University of Singapore (Sept.2001 to Aug. 2003). Weishan has published two research book chapters and over 50 papers/technical reports. He is a reviewer of ELSEVIER Data & Knowledge Engineering, Elsevier Knowledge Based Systems, ACM’s Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) and was invited as a reviewer for IEEE Intelligent Systems.