Title: Trust in Social Networks, Web Services and E-Commerce Applications
Speaker:Dr Yan Wang
时间: 2012年11月14日(星期三)下午1:30
Social networks have become the platforms for a variety of rich activities which include the selection of trustworthy targets via the recommendation of other participants. This requires mechanisms for the trust inference between non-adjacent participants, which are also expected to deliver trustworthy computation results. This talk introduces the complex social network structures that take more information with impact on trust evaluation into account, and the heuristic algorithms for the NP-Complete multi-constrained optimal social trust path(s) selection problem.
Trust evaluation is also important in service-oriented applications. While existing single-trust-value mechanisms can provide good but simple information to service customers, more trust information should be computed to indicate the trust level of a service provider more comprehensively. In addition, trust computation requires the accumulation of trust data for a long serving period. This raises the requirement of trust data analysis so as to use a small dataset to represent a large set of trust ratings. This talk introduces a trust vector approach and a trust vector based approach for trust data aggregations to satisfy these requirements.
In addition, trust is a critical issue in e-commerce environments. In contrast to most existing trust evaluation methods that compute a single trust value, in this talk, a trust vector approach will be introduced. The computation of the trust values in the trust vector is associated with both the past transactions and a forthcoming transaction, and takes transaction context into account. Such trust results can compute the reputation profile of a seller, predict the trustworthiness of the seller in a forthcoming transaction, help identify the value imbalance problem and avoid huge monetary losses of buyers.
Short Bio of the Speaker:
Dr Yan Wang is an Associate Professor and HDR (Higher Degree Research) Director in the Department of Computing, Macquarie University (MQ), Australia. He received his B. Eng, M. Eng and Doctorate Degree of Engineering in computer science and technology from Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), P.R. China. Prior to joining Macquarie University in 2003, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow/Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS).
Dr Yan Wang has been the Chief Investigator of 2 ARC (Australia Research Council) Discovery projects. He has published a number of research papers in prestigious international journals and conferences. His research interests cover trust computing, social computing, services computing, electronic commerce, and computer security.
Dr. Yan Wang is now serving on the editorial boards of Service-Oriented Computing & Applications journal (SOCA), Springer, and Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), Springer. He served as the guest co-editor of the special issue on e-commerce of IEEE Internet (2008). He has served as the Program co-Chair of IEEE SCC2011 and ATC2011. He has been the PC member of over 40 conferences and the reviewer of over 20 international journals.
Dr. Yan's research team received the Best Paper Award from prestigious IEEE SCC2010 and IEEE TrustCom 2012 respectively. His PhD students received the nomination of 2011 Australasian Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation, and 2009 and 2011 Chinese Government Awards for Outstanding Self-financed Students Aboard by China Scholarship Council (CSC).
王岩博士1996年于哈工大获得博士学位,曾于2000-2003在新加坡国立大学进行博士后研究工作。目前是澳大利亚 Macquarie大学计算机系的Associate Professor,并主管研究生事务 (HDR Director)。主要从事可信计算,社会网络,服务计算,电子商务和计算机安全方面的研究。近年来论文主要发表在 AAAI, IEEE SCC, IEEE ICWS, ICSOC等会议, 和 IEEE Trans. on Services Computing (TSC) 和 World Wide Web (WWWJ)等期刊上。
王岩博士是Springer关于服务计算和社会网络的两个国际期刊的编委。他是IEEE SCC2011和ATC2011 的大会程序委员会主席。并担任40多个的国际会议的程序委员会委员,和超过20个国际期刊的评阅人。
王岩博士曾获得2010年Macquarie大学学院教学奖。他的研究组获得IEEE SCC2010和IEEE TrustCom2012最佳论文奖。他的博士生分别获得提名参加2011年澳大利亚优秀博士论文评选,2009及2011中国国家基金委海外优秀自费留 学人员奖学金。