题目: Evolutionary Computation for Single-Objective, Multi-Objective and Many-Objective Optimization
报告人: Ishibuchi教授
This talk explains how evolutionary computation can be used for sing-objective, multi-objective and many-objective optimization. First, it is shown that a population-based search framework of evolutionary computation is applicable to a wide variety of application tasks such as the design of high speed trains, the evolution of game strategies, the optimization of neural networks, and the learning of control strategies. A simple example is shown to illustrate the framework of evolutionary computation in an easily understandable manner. Next, evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) is explained together with some basic concepts of multi-objective optimization such as Pareto dominance and Pareto optimality. Differences between single-objective and multi-objective evolutionary algorithms are visually demonstrated through the comparison between the EMO approach and the weighted-sum approach. Then, many-objective evolutionary optimization is discussed. It has already been demonstrated in the literature that many-objective problems with four or more objectives are very difficult for EMO algorithms. A number of attempts have also been reported to improve the scalability of EMO algorithms to many-objective problems. Some attempts are explained together with experimental results on many-objective 0/1 knapsack problems with 2-10 objectives.
Prof. Hisao Ishibuchi received the BS and MS degrees from Kyoto University in 1985 and 1987, respectively. He received the Ph. D. degree from Osaka Prefecture University in 1992. Since 1987, he has been with Osaka Prefecture University as a research associate (1987-1993), an assistant professor (1993), an associate professor (1994-1999) and a full professor since 1999. His research interests include evolutionary multi-objective optimization, fuzzy genetics-based machine learning and evolutionary games. He received a Best Paper Award from GECCO 2004, HIS-NCEI 2006, FUZZ-IEEE 2009, WAC 2010, SCIS & ISIS 2010 and FUZZ-IEEE 2011. He also received a 2007 JSPS Prize from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He is the IEEE CIS Vice-President for Technical Activities (2010-2013), a Technical/Program Co-Chair of IEEE CEC 2013-2014 and FUZZ-IEEE 2011-2013, a Publicity Chair of IEEE SSCI 2014 and a Special Sessions Chair of IEEE CEC 2015. He is also an associate editor of IEEE TFS (2004-), IEEE CI Magazine (2005-), IEEE TEC (2007-), IEEE TCyb (2013-) and IEEE Access (2013-). He will be the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE CI Magazine (2014-). According to Google Scholar, the total number of citations of his papers is about 13,000 and his h-index is 51.