2016年4月11日,南丹麦大学Susanne Ravn 教授来校做题为“具身的交互性——以竞技性舞蹈和合气道为例”的讲座,哲学系何静副教授主持。
Susanne Ravn is associate professor at the Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark. In her research she critically explores the embodied insights of different movement practices and actively deals with the interdisciplinary challenges of employing phenomenological thinking into the analysis of these practices. She is the author of several books in Danish and English and has published her research in journals related to phenomenology; qualitative research methods in sport, exercise and health; dance research; and sociological analyses of embodied experiences.
In this talk, based on the phenomenological description of interaction of De Jaegher and her co-workers, I critically explore how the sense of the other informs our perception and movement. I pursue this aim by turning to two different cases of interaction in elite sports dance and the martial art form aikido, respectively. Both cases present examples of expertise training of interaction in which the practitioners in different ways both rely on as well as constantly challenge the interactive skills which they embody. The analysis indicates that the practitioners’ sense of movement is based on perception-action loops ‘extending’ and includes a sense of the other on the level of operative intentionality