
以色列巴伊兰大学Ephraim Meir教授来系讲座



        2014916日下午3时,在闵行人文楼哲学系会议室2102,来自以色列巴伊兰大学Ephraim Meir教授为我系研究生做了题为《列维纳斯哲学中的“同一性”》的学术讲座。讲座由哲学系系主任郁振华老师主持,社科处处长顾红亮老师、中文系刘文瑾老师参与了讲座。



演讲人简历: 1972 年比利时鲁汶大学本科毕业(主修宗教学), 1975 年比利时鲁汶大学圣经文献学研究硕士;1979 年比利时鲁汶大学神学博士; 1989年至今任教以色列巴伊兰大学;出版10余本学术专著,发表过百篇论文。


讲座简介:The lecture focuses upon identity in Levinas’s major works Totality and Infinity (1961) and Beyond Essence or Otherwise than Being (1974). In the first volume, Levinas describes the relationship between the self and the other in totalizing movements as well as in ethical relationships. He writes about an independent I that is transformed in contact with the other, about a subject that is prior and that is afterwards called into question. This perspective changes in the second work, where the I is not simply equal to itself: It is from the beginning, or before the beginning, being exposed to the other. The I is “without identity,” it is awakened by and waking up for the other. The Ias the one–for-the-other is affected by the other, as the basis of all meaning. The uniqueness of the I stems from his being summoned by the other. The I is called to a life other than merely being, it is singled out by the other to be for the other. In Levinas’s later work, ipseityis therefore not identity which is the return to itself: It is visited by otherness, constituted by the other.