
【预告】4月6日Richard Foley:Knowledge and Sufficient Information(知识与行动研究中心系列讲座1)


Knowledge and Action Lab, Joriss

主讲人:Richard Foley,美国纽约大学副校长、哲学系教授
主题:Knowledge and Sufficient Information

        Richard Foley, Professor of Philosophy and Vice Chancellor of Strategic Planning. He served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Science from 2000-2009, and before coming to NYU, he was Executive Dean of Arts and Sciences, Dean of the Graduate School, and Chair of the Department of Philosophy at Rutgers University. Earlier, he chaired the Philosophy Department at the University of Notre Dame. His main research interests focus on epistemology and epistemological issues in related fields. His books include: The Theory of Epistemic Rationality, Harvard University Press, 1987; Working Without a Net, Oxford University Press, 1993; Intellectual Trust in Ourselves and Others, Cambridge University Press, 2001; When Is True Belief Knowledge?, Princeton University Press, 2012. He is currently at work on a book titled Knowledge as Adequate Information.