
Jinwoo Lee:Direct Access to Functional Porous Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage


讲座题目:Direct Access to Functional Porous Materials for Energy Conversion andStorage

主讲人:Jinwoo Lee






Prof.Jinwoo Lee is the associate editor of Chemical Engineering Journal(Elsevier), associate editor of Advanced Porous Materials (American Scientific Publishers), Editorial Board Member of Journal of Nanoscienceand Nanotechnology (American Scientific Publishers) and the professor ofDepartment of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST. His main researchareas are including 1)Synthesis of new functional nanoporous materials for energyconversion and storage (Rechargeable batteries and fuel cells); 2) Developmentof nanoporous anode and cathode materials for rechargeable batteries andsupercapacitors; 3) Development of low temperature electro-catalysts (Fuelcells, Water Electrolysis, CO2 conversion); 4) Enzyme mimeticnanocatalysts for high performance biosensors. 190 research papers have been published inpeer-reviewed journals (155 as a PI and 35 before joining POSTECH) including 1 Nat. Mater., 4J. Am. Chem. Soc., 4 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 10 ACS nano, 8 Adv. Funct. Mater.,7 Adv. Mater., 3 Energy. Env. Sci. 3 Adv. Energy. Mater. 3 Nano Energy. The total citation numberreported by Google Scholar is 16435 times (2019.01.02) and H-index is 65-Google Scholar (2019.01.02). Prof.Jinwoo Leehas been awarded as ExcellentResearch Award, Korea Zeolite Association (KZA) (2011), SIMGANG excellentresearch paper award, KIChE (2013), 국가연구개발사업우수연구성과100선 (2016), 미래창조과학부장관표창(2016), associate Member of The Korean Academy ofScience and Technology (2016~current), member of Young Korean Academy of Science and Tecnnology (2017~currnet).


Multifunctional and hierarchicalporous materials have attracted much attention as host electrode materials forelectrochemical energy conversion and storages. Our research group hasdeveloped powerful methods to control multiscale porous inorganic nanostructursvia simple “one-pot method” by employing blends of block copolymers andhomopolymers. The new approach allows access to a high degree of control overpore structure and size, particle shape, particle size and chemical compositionincluding metal oxides, metal nitride and conductive carbon. Multiscale porousmaterials have been employed as a multifunctional sulfur host, integrating theadvantages of multiscale porous architectures with high performanceelectrocatalytic property to achieve high-power and long-life lithium-sulfurbatteries. A new and intuitive strategy for tuning and enhancing the kineticactivity of Fe-N4 sites was designed by controllingelectro-withdrawing/donating properties of carbon plane. Fe-N4integrated mesoporous materials showed a high catalytic performance comparableto that of Pt/C in anion exchange membrane (AEM) fuel cells.