
Jin Zou:Understanding the Structural Characteristics of Nanostructures through Advanced Electron Microscopy


题 目:Understanding theStructural Characteristics of Nanostructures through Advanced ElectronMicroscopy

报告人:Jin Zou 教 授

主持人:程  亚  教 授

时 间:10月16日上午9:00

地 点:闵行校区物理楼226报告厅



PhD (Materials Physics major)1989-1994

School ofPhysics, The University of Sydney, Australia

MEng (Metal Physics major)1982-1985

Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Science andTechnology, Beijing, China

BSc (Solid State Physics major)1978-1982

Department ofPhysics, University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China


1/2009–now Chair Professor in NanoscienceSchool of Mechanical and Mining Engineering and Centre for Microscopy andMicroanalysis, The University of Queensland, QLD 4072, Australia

4/2010–3/2014ARC Future Fellow (level 3)School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering and Centre for Microscopy   and Microanalysis, The University ofQueensland, Australia

3/2007–12/2008 ReaderSchool of Engineering and Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, TheUniversity of Queensland, Australia

1/2004–3/2007 Senior LecturerSchool of Engineering and Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, TheUniversity of Queensland, Australia

8/1993–12/2003 Postdoctoral/ARC APD Fellows/Research Fellow/ARCQEII FellowAustralian Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis, The University of Sydney,Australia

5/1985–5/1989Research AssociateBeijing Laboratory of Electron Microscopy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


ProfessorZou’s primary research interests have been focusing on the nanoscience -fundamentally understanding the formation mechanism of nanomaterials and theirnanostructure-property/functional links through characterizing nanomaterialsusing advanced electron microscopy. His current major research projects are

• Epitaxialsemiconductor nanowires and nanowire heterostructures

• Developmentof thermoelectric nanostructures

• In-situdeformation of nanomaterials and their mechanical and physical properties


The ultimate goal of materialsresearch is to develop materials with desirable physiochemical propertiesfor their practical applications and to explore new properties for futureapplications. It has been well documented that the properties of materialsare closely related to their structures. For this reason, it is criticalimportant to determine the morphological, structural, and chemicalcomposition of materials, from which it cangain the detailed “know-why”. In this presentation, I summarisesome of studies performed in my group, inwhich advanced electron microscopy was employed tounderstand the structural characteristics of arange of nanostructures.