
Jeffrey A Reimer:NMR and the Grand Challenges of Metal-OrganicFrameworks、Optical pumping of nuclear spins in diamond and GaAs



  题目1:NMR and the Grand Challenges of Metal-OrganicFrameworks

  题目2:Optical pumping of nuclear spins in diamond and GaAs

主讲人:Jeffrey A Reimer






Professor Jeffrey A Reimer is recognized worldwide for his contributions tounderstanding materials chemistry through the creative application ofsophisticated spectroscopic and physical measurements. From the structure andproperties of solar cells to instrumentation that probes the action ofautomobile catalysts under the high temperature and pressure; from lightweightpolymers for structural materials to fuel cells and lithium battery materials;from the structure of metal organic frameworks for carbon capture to theelectrical and optical control of nuclear polarization in semiconductors,Professor Reimer and his co-workers provided insight into the chemistry ofmaterials systems aimed at environmental protection, human sustainability, andtechnological innovation. He is author or co-author of ~200 researchpublications, two books, and a variety of review articles. Professor Reimer is recognized forthese works by election as a Fellow of the American Association for theAdvancement of Science, a Fellow of the American Physical Society in theDivision of Materials Physics, a Fellow of the International Society forMagnetic Resonance, and is a recipient of the Humboldt Research Award fromGermany. In addition to his research publications, Professor Reimer isco-author (with T.M. Duncan) of the introductory text Chemical Engineering Design and Analysis (Cambridge University Press,2nd edition, 2019), and the text CarbonCapture and Sequestration (withBerend Smit, Curt Oldenburg, Ian Bourg, World Scientific Press, 2013).

Professor Reimer has won virtually everyteaching award on the Berkeley campus - at the department, college, physicalsciences, and campus level, including the Donald Sterling Noyce Prize forExcellence in Undergraduate Teaching in the Physical Sciences, the AIChE NorthernCalifornia Section Award for Chemical Engineering Excellence in AcademicTeaching, and the UC Berkeley Distinguished Teaching Award in 2003, the highestaward bestowed on faculty for their teaching. His introductory textbook (Chemical Engineering Design and Analysis –an Introduction co-authored with T. Michael Duncan), focuses on teachingchemical engineers about the importance of design concepts early in theiracademic studies.

Professor Reimer was born in Van Nuys,California and received his bachelor’s degree (with honors) from the Universityof California at Santa Barbara. He obtained his doctorate in chemical physicsfrom the California Institute of Technology while working with physicists fromXerox PARC examining the chemistry and the physics of solar cell materials.Prior to his appointment at Berkeley, he conducted basic and applied researchin semiconductor science and technology as a postdoctoral fellow at IBMResearch in Yorktown Heights, New York. Professor Reimer was an Associate Deanof the Graduate School at Berkeley from 2000-2005, where he was responsible forUC Berkeley’s academic reviews of its ~100 PhD granting departments. He wasChair of Berkeley’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from2006-2011, and then again from 2013 to present. He has served many times as thechair of the Academic Senate subcommittee on GSI affairs, working on policiesand procedures for ensuring that doctoral students are prepared for theteaching profession. Finally, ProfessorReimer serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for Franklin UniversitySwitzerland and served as the Chair of the Governing Board for the Council forChemical Research in 2015.


Seminar: “NMR and the Grand Challenges ofMetal-Organic Frameworks”

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a newclass of inorganic framework materials that exhibit a wide variety of physicaland chemical properties. MOFs are particularly interesting owing to the abilityto systematically vary metal composition and framework ligands so as to createa universe of different materials by design. MOFs then become near-idealplatforms for understanding interfacial phenomena and catalysis since keyvariables, such as framework structure, chemistry and pore size, can all betuned independently. Technological applications of MOFs have subsequentlyflourished in recent years. Several grand challenges remain, however, inunderstanding these compelling materials. Each of these grand challenges posestechnical hurdles for analytical and structure-determination methods, yetnuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has, in principle, the ability toaddress them all. In my lecture I will summarize previous and new research frommy lab that uses NMR access points to address diffusion, reaction, defects, andstructure within this fascinating class of materials.

Seminar:“Optical pumping of nuclear spins in diamond and GaAs”

Control of electron spins in semiconductors impactsthe design and analysis of both solid-state quantum computation and spintronicsdevices; surprisingly, it also affords the opportunity toproduce huge signals for analytical NMR and MRI. Iwill review several examples of control and preparation ofnuclear spin angular momentum that work towards these ends, then focus ontwo examples: GaAs and diamond. In GaAs we have achieved optical andelectrical control of nuclear polarization, including re-writablemicron-scale patterns of nuclear polarization that involves nolithography, chemistry, or magnetic field gradients. The [NV-] center indiamond, however, presents puzzling phenomenology when optically pumped at highfield (~7T), yet there is considerably more progress for low-field DNP ofdiamond. The most intriguing results include the construction andoperation of a portable diamond polarizer that costs less than $5K and iseasily integrated into commercial NMR instruments where one can, for example,conduct dual modality MRI and fluorescence imaging.