
周炜星:Skill complementarity enhances heterophily in collaboration networks


讲座题目:Skillcomplementarity enhances heterophily in collaboration networks





周炜星,博士,二级教授,博士生导师。2001年毕业于华东理工大学,获化学工程与工艺博士学位。现任华东理工大学商学院教授、金融物理研究中心主任,校学术委员会委员。担任多个国际期刊的编委,包括JIFMIM, Fractals, Fluctuation and Noise Letters等。主要从事金融物理学和社会经济系统复杂性研究,以及相关领域大数据分析。发表SCI/SSCI收录论文160多篇,他引4000余次,9篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,H指数39,连续4年进入爱思唯尔发布的中国高被引学者(数学)榜单。论文主要发表在JIFMIM、IJoF、JEBO和QF等主流金融经济期刊及PNAS、ScientificReports等重要交叉学科期刊上。先后主持包括国家自然科学基金在内的10余项国家级和省部级项目,入选上海市“青年科技启明星”计划、教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划。获2016年度上海市自然科学二等奖(1/5)。


Much empiricalevidence shows that individuals usually exhibit significant homophily in socialnetworks. We demonstrate, however, skill complementarity enhances heterophilyin the formation of collaboration networks, where people prefer to forge socialties with people who have professions different from their own. We construct amodel to quantify the heterophily by assuming that individuals choosecollaborators to maximize utility. Using a huge database of online societies,we find evidence of heterophily in collaboration networks. The results of modelcalibration confirm the presence of heterophily. Both empirical analysis andmodel calibration show that the heterophilous feature is persistent along theevolution of online societies. Furthermore, the degree of skill complementarityis positively correlated with their production output. Our work sheds new lighton the scientific research utility of virtual worlds for studying humanbehaviors in complex socioeconomic systems.