
于晓明:Recent progress in ultrafast laser processing of materials


讲座题目:Recent progress in ultrafast laser processing of materials

主讲人:Xiaoming Yu(于晓明)





Dr. Xiaoming Yu is an Assistant Professor in CREOL, College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida. He is also affiliated with the Townes Laser Institute. He received his BS in Physics from Nankai University, China, MS in Plasma Physics from Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, and PhD in Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Kansas State University. His research interest is laser-matter interaction and laser-based advanced manufacturing.


Over the past few decades the interaction between solid materials andultrashort laser pulses has been a fascinating topic, and the potential ofusing ultrafast lasers in precision material processing was quickly recognized whenhigh-power lasers became available. Nowadays ultrafast laser processing ofmaterials is no longer a niche technology that finds usage only inlaboratories. More and more applications have benefited from the uniquecharacteristics of ultrafast laser induced modification and ablation. This talkwill focus on the use of ultrafast lasers in manufacturing, which imposeschallenges that need to be overcome by a better understanding of laser-materialinteraction and by technological advances of laser beam manipulation. This talkwill present our recent research, including micro-/nano-machining ofdielectrics with a temporally-controlled pulse train, few-cycle pulses inducedripples, Bessel-beam activated photopolymerization, and a novel beam shapingtechnique using deformable mirrors. This work extends the capability ofultrafast lasers as a manufacturing tool, and puts forth a prospect of using asingle ultrafast laser for varieties of manufacturing processes.