
谢玮:Understanding Existing and Designing New Halide Perovskites from First Principles


讲座题目:Understanding Existing and Designing New Halide Perovskites from First Principles

主讲人:谢玮 博士

主持人:杨洋 研究员

开始时间:2019年1月9日 下午1: 30-2: 30


主办单位:华东师范大学 物理与材料科学学院


谢玮目前是加州大学伯克利分校材料科学与工程系博士后。其研究方向为基于电子与原子尺度建模仿真理解已知和发现新型固体功能材料及现象。他从北京化工大学获得高分子材料与工程本科、威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校获得材料科学博士学位;曾获得David Turnbull研究奖(威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,2014年),和计算热力学奖学金(CALPHAD公司,2013年)。

Wei Xie is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. His does theoretical modeling and computational simulations at electronic and atomistic scales to understand known and discover new solid-state functional materials and phenomena. He received B.E. in Polymer Materials and Engineering from Beijing University of Chemical Technology and PhD in Materials Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was a recipient of David Turnbull Research Paper Award (University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2014) and CALPHAD Scholarship (CALPHAD Inc., 2013).






Metal halide perovskites and their derivatives are under intense global researches owing to their excellent highly-tunable and versatile multifunctionality, facile solution synthesizability, and great compositional and structural diversity. I will present our recent researches of this family of materials:

1) rational design and high throughput screening of fully inorganic and stable lead-free halide perovskites light absorbers;

2) explaining amphoteric carrier characteristics of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites;

3) understanding the origins of white light emission, dynamic Rashba-Dresselhaus spin splitting and ferroelectricity in hybrid layered perovskite derivatives.