
Heinrich Hora:Boron Laser Fusion without nuclear radiation problem for clean economic and unlimited energy


讲座题目:Boron Laser Fusion without nuclear radiation problem for clean economic and unlimited energy

主讲人:Heinrich Hora教授


开始时间:2017-06-06 10:00:00




Professor Heinrich Hora (born 1931 in Bodenbach, Czechoslovakia) is an internationally respected authority on laser driven fusion energy since the beginning in 1962 at the Max-Planck Institute of Plasma Physics in Garching/Germany. Since 1975. at the chair of Theoretical Physics of the University of New South Wales in Sydney/Australia and continued in his Emeritus position from 1992. His computations led to the first formula for the optimized fusion gains and on optical constants in plasmas based on the classical collision frequency for absorption. Analyzing measurements of laser produced ion emission from plasmas led him to the conclusion of nonlinear effects where the generation of anomalously energetic ions led to the formulation of the nonlinear force of direct conversion of laser energy into mechanical motion of plasma. These forces cover the optical plasma properties and are a generalization of the long known ponderomotive force. With this he derived the ponderomotive self-focusing to explain why laser powers above megawatt cause the change into the nonlinear regime (1970). His relativistic derivation of the optical constants led to the first general derivation of relativistic self-focusing (1975). Due to his great academic contributions, he has been awarded Ritter-von-Gerstner Medal (1985), Edward-Teller Medal (1991) ,Dirac Medal (2001), Ernst-Mach Medal (2002).