
Konstantin Dorfman:Quantum and Nonlinear Optical Studies of Complex Systems, Nonclassical Light and Extreme Wavelengths


讲座题目:Quantum and Nonlinear Optical Studies of Complex Systems, Nonclassical Light and Extreme Wavelengths主讲人:Dr. Konstantin  Dorfman


开始时间:2016-09-12 10:00:00




Dr. Konstantin Dorfman was born in Russia. He completed his B.S. in Physics from Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia in 2006. In 2009 he completed his PhD at Texas A&M University with Prof. Vitaly Kocharovsky where he investigated fundamentals of many body fluctuations of Bose-Einstein Condensate. From 2010 to 2012 as a joint postdoctoral fellow in Princeton University and Texas A&M University with Prof. Marlan Scully he investigated fundamental light-matter interactions in classical/quantum optical devices, quantum heat engines and photosynthetic light harvesting as well as nonlinear spectroscopy for remote sensing. Starting 2012 Dr. Dorfman is a postdoctoral research scholar at University of California, Irvine working with Prof. Shaul Mukamel on investigating  complex system dynamics with multidimensional nonlinear optical spectroscopy, that utilize quantum states of light, light range from THz to X-ray, pulse shaping and various quantum interference phenomena at a microscopic scale. Since 2016 Dr. Dorfman is employed as a staff scientist in Singapore Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) working on various aspects of X-ray photonics.

Dr. Dorfman's scientific interests include atomic, molecular, optical and chemical physics, energy and charge transport processes, quantum optics and electronics, x-ray optics, relativistic and Terahertz physics, statistical mechanics, many-body theory, quantum photovoltaics and semiconductor physics.

In 2011 Dr. Dorfman has received a prestigious Robert A. Welch fellowship in chemical physics for an outstanding work related to quantum effects in quantum heat engines.