
Fabienne Goldfarb:Coherent processes and light storage in metastable helium atoms at roomtemperature


讲座题目:Coherent processes and light storage in metastable helium atoms at roomtemperaturestrong>

主讲人:Fabienne GoldfarbLaboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS - Université Paris Sud - ENS Cachan, Université Paris Saclay,France


开始时间:2016-07-21 14:30:00


主办单位:精密光谱科学与技术国家重点实验室 科技处


Fabienne  Goldfarb is associate professor at University Paris-Sud in Orsay (Paris  south suburb), member of the Laboratoire Aime Cotton and junior member  of the Institut Universitaire de France. She defended her PhD in Orsay  on electron interferometry in 2003. Then, she joined as a post-doc the  group of Markus Arndt and Anton Zeilinger in Vienna, where she worked on  molecular interferometry for 2 years.In 2005, she was recruited as an  assistant professor in Orsay, to set up a new experiment on coherent  processes in metastable helium. She now works mainly on this topic,  studying effects such as electromagnetically induced transparency,  coherent population oscillations and phase sensitive amplification. She  works also on phase sensitive amplification in fibers, on noise in  VECSELs and on optoelectronic oscillators in collaboration with the  French company Thales Research and Technology.