
Benjamin Audit:Structural organisation of human replication timing domains


讲座题目:Structural organisation of human replication timing domains

主讲人:Benjamin Audit教授


开始时间:2016-05-25 10:00:00




  Research and education

 1. October 2014 Director of Research at Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

 2. November 2012 Diploma of “Habilitation à diriger des Recherches”  (HDR, accreditation to su-pervise research) (ENS de Lyon) : Multi-scale  analysis of the mammalian repli-cation programme.

 3. November 2003 Research Associate at Centre National de la Recherche  Scientifique (CNRS).Research unit: Laboratoire de Physique of ENS-Lyon  (UMR5672).

 Associated to Laboratoire Joliot-Curie in 2003–2010 and member of LJC resi-dent team during 2011.

 4. 2000-2003 Post-doctorate at the European Bioinformatics Institute  (EMBL-EBI) (Christos Ouzounis, Computational Genomics Group).

 Marie Curie fellowship for the project: Global measures for genome structure

 and evolution (2001-2003).