
5月18日 Jaladhar Neelavalli: Quantitative MR imaging in-utero: Challenges and Opportunities


讲座题目:Quantitative MR imaging in-utero: Challenges and Opportunities

主讲人: Jaladhar Neelavalli

主持人: Yang Guang

开始时间: 2016-05-18 14:30

讲座地址: 理科大楼A228

 Jaladhar Neelavalli has been focusing on developing methods to improve  quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM/SWIM) and post processing  methods for susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI). Specifically, he is  interested in developing these methods for quantification of venous  oxygen-saturation changes in normal versus abnormal clinical conditions.  He is now modifying and applying these methodologies to fetal MR  imaging with a view to study what changes in the vascular development  and oxygen utilization in the developing brain in-utero in normal versus  high-risk pregnancies. Dr. Neelavalli has a strong background in MR  physics and fetal imaging.

 Fetal growth restriction occurs in 16% of pregnancies worldwide where  insufficient nutrient supply along with hypoxemia is often implicated.  The condition is associated with both short and longterm neurological  sequelae. MR imaging is an excellent tool for quantitative imaging that  can help us better understand the in-vivo physiology. This talk would  discuss the technical challenges in quantitative MR imaging of the human  fetus with specific focus on blood-oximetry, phase contrast imaging and  MR angiography. Some of the recent approaches attempting to address  these issues and the quantitative results from these methods will be  presented.