
​ 8 月3日 葛玉林:7T Susceptibility MRI of human brain Gas-enhanced brain MRI: methodology & its clinical applications Seeing is believing: the role of MRI in multiple sclerosis(物理系校级学术报告)


讲座题目:7T Susceptibility MRI of human brain  Gas-enhanced brain MRI: methodology & its clinical applications  Seeing is believing: the role of MRI in multiple sclerosis

主讲人: 葛玉林

开始时间: 2015-08-03 9:00

讲座地址: 理科大楼A510


  葛玉林教授系纽约大学医学院放射系教授,主要从事神经影像研究,发表论文 80余篇,被引用达到5337次,研究主要包括:1)  开发尖端可用于临床定量的MRI技术;2) 用这些MRI技术研究多种中枢神经系统退行性疾病包括:多发性硬化,脑外伤,和老年痴呆;3)  超高磁场MRI和脑血管疾病。葛玉林教授曾经多次获得国际各种奖项,并曾担任AJNR等多个影像和神经科的杂志编委以及十几个杂志的审稿人。同时,葛玉林 教授是几项由美国国家健康研究院(NIH)资助项目的主要负责人,还是NIH两个基金会的主要评审员。他的影像研究成果在多发性硬化和脑外伤领域内有广泛的影响。


In this talk, strengthens and challenges using whole body human  ultra-high-field 7T system will be reviewed; how to establish a MR  compatible gas-delivery system and the associated protocol that allow  the delivery of special gas mixtures (e.g., O2, CO2, N2, and their  combinations); and how to interpret oxygenation-based MRI signals in  functional and susceptibility-weighted imaging ; and the contribution of  MR imaging in MS will be reviewed and a discussion of several novel  hypotheses tested by advanced MR techniques in order to better  understand disease pathogenesis, natural history and disease progression  will be provided.