
4月17日 Yongfeng Hu:Synchrotron radiation light source: introduction and applications in material science (物理学系列学术报告)


讲座题目:Synchrotron radiation light source: introduction and applications in material science

主讲人: Yongfeng Hu

开始时间: 2015-04-17 9:30

讲座地址: 理科大楼A207会议室


Dr. Yongfeng Hu is the staff  scientist at the Canadian Light Source,  and he is an adjunct professor at the  Department of Chemical  Engineering at the University of Saskatchewan.  He  obtained his Ph.D in  Physical Chemistry from University of Western Ontario in  1996.  He has  over 20 years of experience in beamline operation and construction  at  several synchrotron facilities in US and Canada.  He has been  responsible of  building and commissioning two beamlines at the Canadian  Light Source.  His  research interest has been centered on the  application of synchrotron based  techniques in chemistry, physics,  material science, and environmental science  research.  He is  theauthor/co-author of about 150 peer-reviewed publications in  areas of  material and environmental science, atomic and molecular chemistry and   physics, and synchrotron instrumentation.


Synchrotron radiation facilities are advancing  and becoming more  widely available to support fundamental and applied research  in almost  all domains of science, such as material, life science and   environmental research.  Synchrotrons produce beams of light in spectrum  ranging  from infrared to soft and hard X-rays and various beamlines  are built to  optimize a specific range of light to study various  matters.  The application of  synchrotron is multi- and  inter-disciplinary and the information obtained could  also be  multi-dimensional: be it in the energy scale (the electronic/bonding);   in spatial (imaging and microscopy) or in time scale (time resolved).   In this  presentation, an introduction to the synchrotron radiation and  related  techniques will be presented.  A few research examples  specifically in the nano  materials, such as battery materials and nano  catalytic materials will be  given.