
陈剑平(杰斐逊国家实验室):Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong Interaction


讲座题目:物理学系列学术报告:Fundamental Structure of Matter and Strong  Interaction


主持人:薛迅 教授

开始时间:2013-04-09 14:00


Jian-ping Chen (陈剑平), 资深研究员简历:
博士, 1990, PhD, University of Virginia,  USA
博士后, 1990-1992, Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Virginia,  USA
博士后, 1992-1994, Postdoctoral Research Staff, MIT, USA
助理研究员,  1994-1996, Staff Scientist I, Jefferson Lab, USA
副研究员, 1996-2001, Staff  Scientist II, Jefferson Lab, USA
正研究员, 2001-2011, Staff Scientist III,  Jefferson Lab, USA
资深研究员, 2011-present, Senior Staff Scientist, Jefferson  Lab, USA
兼职副教授, 1997-2002, Adjunct Associate Professor, Kent State  University, USA
兼职教授, 1998-2001, Adjunct Professor, Old Dominion University,  USA
客座教授, 2004-present, University of Science and Technology of China,  China
美国物理学会会士, Fellow, American Physical Society,   2008-present
担任了12个JLab实验的发言(负责)人,并是JLab A大厅许多实验项目的协调负责人;参加了JLab,斯坦福大学直线加速器,  欧洲核子研究中心, 美国劳斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室, 美国 Bates 加速器  及德国Mainz加速器的许多核物理实验;受邀参加国际会议并作报告八十多次;在专业学术期刊上发表了学术论文一百四十余篇;组织了十多个国际学术会议,并担当组委会主席或组委会成员;


More than 99% of the visible matter in the universe are the protons and  neutrons. Their internal structure is mostly governed by the strong interaction.  Understanding their internal quark-gluon structure is one of the most important  subjects in modern physics. Worldwide efforts in the last a few decades have  lead to numerous discoveries and surprises, but major challenges still remain.  An overview of the progress will be presented with a focus on the recent studies  of the proton and neutron's electromagnetic and spin structure. Selected  highlights of new results from Jefferson Lab will be presented. Plans for future  physics programs and major facilities in both US and China will be  discussed.