
Sabre Kais (Purdue University): Atom Stability in Intense Laser Fields


题目: Finite Size Scaling and Stability of Atomic and Molecular Systems in Superintense Laser Fields

报告人: Prof. Sabre Kais (Chemistry Department, Purdue University, USA)

时间: 20101125日 星期四 上午1000

地点: 闵行校区物理楼学术报告厅

联系人: 王加祥


He finite size scaling ansatz is combined with the variational method to extract information about critical behavior of quantum Hamiltonians. This approach is based on taking the number of elements in a complete basis set as the size of the system. As in statistical mechanics, the finite size scaling can then be used directly to the Schrodinger equation. This approach is general and gives very accurate results for the critical parameters, for which the bound state energy becomes absorbed or degenerate with a continuum. To illustrate the applications in quantum calculations, we present detailed calculations for stability of atomic and molecular systems in superintense laser files.