
2023年7月8日 陈荔:Advancing Regional Understanding on the Origin and Impacts of benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA) in WESTPAC countries


报告题目:Advancing Regional Understanding on the Origin and Impacts of benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA) in WESTPAC countries

报 告 人:陈荔 教授

主 持 人:姜晓东 教授




陈荔教授现为香港城市大学海洋污染国家重点实验室副主任、深圳海洋生物多样性可持续利用重点实验室主任。陈教授目前主要研究集中于海洋生物毒素及其新兴检测方法、雪卡鱼毒素对珊瑚礁生态系统及人类健康的影响、海洋特殊环境附着微型生物基因资源和天然产物开发、可持续生态水产养殖技术、水下创新技术、科学安全潜水培训和认证体系等等。团队对热带珊瑚礁食用鱼类中的雪卡毒素有近 20 年的研究经验,分离鉴定了多种有毒底栖甲藻,建立了大规模培养甲藻的方法及毒性分析方法;从不同介质中分离纯化出多种雪卡毒素标准品,建立了适用于多种基质多种毒素并行检测的高效液相质谱检测方法,可用于雪卡毒素溯源、检测及分布研究;并以多尺度食物链生物为代表,对雪卡鱼毒的来源、分布、迁移和风险进行了深入的研究,建立了完善的毒理学评价体系。


Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum are three genus of benthic and epiphytic toxic algae (BETA) which are of increasing interests as most of them are potent toxin producers [ciguatoxins (CTXs), palytoxin (PlTx), okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxins (DTXs)]. They are suspected to play a key role in ciguatera fish poisoning (CFP) in human, which is one of the most common forms of phycotoxins-borne seafood illness across the globe, affecting 50,000 – 500,000 people annually. Recent studies indicated the presence of Gambierdiscus, Ostreopsis and Prorocentrum in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hainan and Hong Kong. While the mechanisms and environmental drivers of toxigenic phenotypes of the BETA remain largely unknown, many other new and toxic species live in the same community have been found and are capable of producing toxic metabolites that can enter the food web. In addition to the ecological impacts of BETA, a number of laboratory and field studies have proven that CTXs, PlTX, OA and their derivatives will also affect the survival, predation and reproduction in crustaceans, sea urchins, fishes and marine mammals. Hence, BETA may not only lead to impacts at an individual or population level, but also affect the health and integrity of coral ecosystems in tropical and sub-tropical oceans in addition to climate changes and other anthropogenic influences.