
2023年5月23日 Seung Choi:Eggshells as a time capsule of paleobiological data


报告题目:Eggshells as a time capsule of paleobiological data 

报 告 人:Seung Choi 博士

主 持 人:王烁 研究员

报告时间:2023年5月23日(周二) 9:00-10:00



 Seung Choi(崔胜),中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所外籍科学家。本科和博士毕业于韩国国立首尔大学地球与环境科学系,后于美国蒙大拿州立大学和中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所完成博士后训练。Seung Choi博士在北美和亚洲蛋化石研究方面颇具造诣,发现三叠纪蜥脚型类恐龙蛋不是软质蛋壳的证据。其研究成果发表于Nature,eLife,JVP等著名期刊。


Although not as iconic as fossil bones, fossil eggs are valuable source of paleobiological data. That is because they are easily fossilized so there are relatively abundant materials in the fossil record. East Asia has spatiotemporally diverse fossil localities, providing good research opportunities to study reproductive paleobiology of amniotic vertebrates. Although complete egg clutches or eggs are comparatively rare, eggshell fragments are common in Cretaceous deposits in East Asia, so diverse approaches are used to study fossil eggshells. In this seminar, I will introduce the diverse methodologies to study fossil eggshells and a few representative studies that show how these methodologies were used to get paleobiological understandings. Paleontology is an intersection between the biology and geology, so philosophy and techniques of both fields are worth importing to paleontology. Fossil egg research is not an exception, so when more interdisciplinary approaches become available, more unexplored findings will shed light on the history of reproduction of vertebrates.