
1月12日 钱斌治:Macrophage heterogeneity in cancer metastasis and therapy resistance


报告题目:Macrophage heterogeneity in cancer metastasis and therapy resistance

报 告 人:钱斌治 英国爱丁堡大学癌症研究中心和生殖健康中心

主 持 人:叶海峰 研究员

报告时间:2022年1月12日 13:30



钱斌治,英国爱丁堡大学癌症研究中心和生殖健康中心长聘教授。复旦大学生物化学学士,美国爱因斯坦医学院生物医学博士,博士后。2012-2014年在美国纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心担任副研究员;2014年受聘至英国爱丁堡大学癌症研究中心和生殖健康中心成立自己的实验室并担任校监特聘研究员和首席研究员,专注于肿瘤免疫和肿瘤相关巨噬细胞的研究。他的开创性工作首次阐明了宿主免疫细胞在肿瘤转移中的重要作用。2013年和2014年分别被授予美国前列腺癌症基金会科学挑战奖和英国CRUK职业发展奖,2017年被授予欧盟研究委员会奖。作为首席研究员和共同研究员承担多项国际重大科研项目资助,总金额超过400万英镑。其多篇高水平学术论文发表在Nature、Cell、Nature Review Immunology, Journal of Experimental Medicine、Cancer Research 等国际杂志,总引用超过9000次。申请发明专利 1 项,授权1项。


Metastatic disease remains the number one threat to cancer patients despite great improvement in early diagnosis and surgical removal of the primary tumours. Our research focuses on the interactions between metastatic tumour cells and associated host cell types that form a dynamic and heterogeneous tumour microenvironment. To this end, we have established series of in vitro functional assays of stromal cell interaction, several novel in vivo models of breast and prostate cancer metastasis that mimic patient pathology, and high resolution intra-vital imaging platforms. Our recent findings have identified a critical role of macrophage sub-populations in cancer metastasis and therapy resistance. We aim to significantly improve the understanding of the pathogenesis of metastatic disease and therapy resistance, but also identify novel therapeutic targets and prognostic markers. Our final goal is to develop effective therapeutic approaches and precision prognostic tools by targeting the interactions among metastatic tumour cells and associated host cell types.