报告题目:Insensitivity to TGF-β Antigrowth Signals in Cancer
报 告 人:冯新华 浙江大学
主 持 人:翁杰敏 教授
报告时间:2021年11月24日 下午15:40
冯新华教授,浙江大学求是讲席教授、校学术委员会委员、校长特别助理、生命科学研究院院长、生命系统稳态与保护教育部重点实验室主任; 美国AAAS Fellow、国家特聘教授、浙江省特级专家;中国细胞生物学学会常务理事、学术工作委员会委员、信号转导分会会长;国家高层次人才专家联谊会生物医药与生命科学专业委员会主任等。
先后毕业于武汉大学(B.S.)、中科院遗传学研究所(M.S.)和美国University of Maryland(Ph.D.),随后在UCSF从事博士后训练和担任研究助理教授。自1999年10月起,在Baylor College of Medicine担任助理教授、终身制副教授 (2003)和教授 (2007)。2009年10月回到浙江大学任职。
冯新华教授长期从事细胞生物学研究,尤其在TGF-b细胞信号网络与蛋白质修饰的研究处于国际领先地位,发表研究论文170多篇。回国后,担任国家重大研究计划项目首席科学家、国家自然科学基金重大项目负责人等。先后获得过美国Keck Young Scholar、Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Scholar、American Cancer Society Research Scholar、国家杰青B类(清华大学)、浙江省特级专家和美国AAAS Fellow等荣誉。
Loss of the antiproliferative response is a hallmark in human cancers. Tumor cells have developed a number of strategies to escape from antigrowth control. One major mechanism to resist the cytostatic effect of antigrowth factor such as TGF-β is through inactivating mutations/deletions in the TGF-β signaling pathway, which frequently occur in gastrointestinal and pancreatic cancer. For example, tumor suppressor Smad4/DPC4, the central transducer of TGF-β signaling, is deleted in more than half of pancreatic cancer patients. However, deletion or mutations in the Smad4 gene are rare in other types of cancers. We have taken multidisciplinary approaches to study how the tumor suppressor function is regulated in normal and cancer cells. We found that TGF-β signaling is fined by multiple oncoproteins. For instance, hyperactivation of many oncoproteins can cause TGF-β resistance. Our novel studies gain conceptual insights into the oncoprotein-tumor suppressor interplay in tumorigenesis and provide guidance to logical therapeutic designs in cancer prevention, diagnostics and treatment.