
2021年10月22日 邓扬:Think as (like) an Engineer for Water Sustainability and Resilience


讲座题目:Think as (like) an Engineer for Water Sustainability and Resilience
主 讲 人:邓扬(教授)
主 持 人:关小红(教授)



        邓扬教授,美国新泽西州蒙特克莱尔州立大学杰出教授,地球与环境科学主任, 美国注册环境工程师。目前,担任Journal of Environmental Engineering (ASCE) 副主编和特邀论文编辑、Journal of Hazardous Materials 和 Water Environment Research副主编以及 Chemical Engineering Journal Advances编委。研究领域集中在创新水处理技术和设计,以应对传统和新出现的水污染挑战。发表期刊论文135篇,著作章节5篇,被引9500余次,h-指数45。研究团队获得了超过370万美元的研究经费。获得2020年蒙特克莱尔州立大学“杰出学者”奖,2019年美国环境工程师和科学家学会(AAEES)“卓越成就奖”,2018年美国华裔环境工程与科学教授协会“Nanova前沿研究奖”等多项奖项。


        Water is an essential feature for modern cities. In an urban setting, water is constantly renewed in a local-scale urban water cycle, different from the hydrological cycle on a global scale, which is heavily impacted by human intervention. A healthy urban water cycle is vital to pursue sustainability in urbanized areas where 54 % of the world’s population lives. However, different challenges associated with the quantity and quality of water are severely threatening urban water sustainability. Thinking as or like an engineer is an approach to development of advanced technologies and innovative designs for addressing the issues and achieving water sustainability and resilience. This presentation will aim to introduce several research threads that I has nurtured, all centered on water (e.g., drinking water, municipal wastewater, stormwater, and industrial wastewater), over the past years.