
2021年10月21日 Virender Sharma:High-valent Iron-Based Compounds (Ferrates) in Enhancing Water Quality


讲座题目:High-valent Iron-Based Compounds (Ferrates) in Enhancing Water Quality
主 讲 人:Virender Sharma(教授)
主 持 人:关小红(教授)



Virender Sharma

        Dr. Virender K. Sharma is currently a Professor at the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, School of Public Health (SPH), Texas A&M University. He is also serving as the Director of the Program for the Environment and Sustainability of the SPH. Dr. Sharma has made seminal contributions in the areas of chemistry and environmental applications of ferrates. He is the most published researcher on ferrate in the world. His research encompasses strategies for decreasing the levels of toxic emerging contaminants, microplastics, disinfection byproducts, arsenic, selenium, and lead in treatment processes. He is highly cited researcher (citations: >28,700; H-Index 82, Source: Google Scholar). He has published more than 380 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Sharma has also published authored/edited 8 books. His distinguished awards include Fellow of the American Chemical Society and the Royal Society of Chemistry, Bush Excellence Award for International Research, Outstanding Distinguished Scientist Award by Sigma Xi (Texas A&M University Chapter), International Fellowship awarded by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Invited Professorship by University of Paris, France.


        Society is facing several challenges, including vector-borne diseases, microbial pathogens, and chemical toxicants. Most of the current technologies are not environmentally friendly as they can lead to the formation of additional toxic intermediates and, in many instances, are unsuitable for use around the world. Ferrate(VI) is earth abundant iron-based molecule (FeVIO42-), which is extremely efficient as disinfectant in water treatment. The theme of the presentation will be to demonstrate the multi-modal actions of ferrate(VI) in performing disinfection, coagulation, and oxidation in improving water quality. Examples include disinfecting chlorine resistant bacteria (e.g., Clostridium difficile), inactivating viruses (e.g., Murine Norovirus), coagulating toxic metals (e.g., arsenic and lead), and oxidizing emerging contaminants (e.g., antibiotics) in water and urine. A wide range of recalcitrant pollutants in water can also be degraded by “Activated Ferrate” through involvement of highly reactive FeV and FeIV species with high efficiency in seconds, which would otherwise take several minutes or hours by ferrate(VI) without activation.