
2021年10月22日 任智勇:Microbial and electrochemical pathways for wastewater decarbonization and valorization


讲座题目:Microbial and electrochemical pathways for wastewater decarbonization and valorization
主 讲 人:任智勇(教授)
主 持 人:关小红(教授)




        任智勇是普林斯顿大学土木与环境工程系教授,Andlinger能源与环境中心副主任,所领导的水和能源技术实验室 (https://ren.princeton.edu) 致力于新型材料,过程的研发和理论分析,力图把环境过程从高能耗,高成本转变为可再生能源和资源的综合回收过程。研究团队近年在环境生物技术,新型水工艺材料,电化学技术,污水资源化,大数据分析,和土壤修复等领域取得多项突破,获得资助总额一千多万美元。任教授曾荣膺美国水研究基金会Paul L. Busch Award,美国土木工程师协会ASCE Huber Research Prize 和华人环境教授协会Nanova/CAPEES Frontier in Research Award,并曾任CAPEES主席。团队发表高水平论文 160 多篇,其中包括多个Nature 子刊, Science Advances, Energy & Environmental Science, Environmental Science & Technology, Water Research 等期刊。研究成果被多家知名媒体报道,包括中国中央电视台(CCTV)、 美国国家广播电台(NPR)、美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)等。团队拥有6项发明专利,其中3项专利已被公司进行商业转化用于污染物资源化,场地修复,和新材料开发。



        Appreciating the abundant carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and other resources that are embedded in wet waste, wastewater treatment is evolving from the “removal-centered” approach to more “recovery-oriented” processes. In the meantime, the abundant and low-cost electricity from renewable sources brought new opportunities to convert “electrons to molecules”. How to leverage such cheap renewable electrons to maximize waste and CO2 valorization has become an emerging research front. In this talk, I will share some recent progress in identifying the synergy between renewable energy and waste carbon valorization, such as renewable H2 production to fill a major gap on energy storage and sustainable manufacturing, new electroactive membrane electrodes for high efficiency resource recovery, and novel wood-based membranes for energy and water applications.