
2021年7月20日 Shinichi Tatsumi:Partitioning the colonization and extinction components of β diversity


讲座题目:Partitioning the colonization and extinction components of β diversity
主 讲 人:Shinichi Tatsumi 研究员
主 持 人:黎绍鹏 研究员
开始时间:7月20日 13:30-15:30
讲座地址:Tencent Meeting Meeting ID: 514 916 960


        Dr. Shinichi Tatsumi is a community ecologist with particular interests in biodiversity and functioning of forest ecosystems. Shinichi completed his Ph.D. degree in 2014 at the University of Tokyo, where he studied the coexistence of tree species using individual-based simulations and statistical modeling. During his Postdoc at the Yokohama National University, University of Eastern Finland, and the University of Toronto, Shinichi’s research expanded to developing analytical methods for spatiotemporal community dynamics and applying them to experimental datasets. Shinichi now works as a senior researcher at the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute in Japan and serves as an associate editor for Ecological Solutions and Evidence.



        The last two decades have witnessed unprecedented declines in beta diversity (i.e., the loss of spatial variation in species composition). The reductions in beta diversity are now regarded as a global threat to ecosystem functioning and nature’s benefits to people. However, analytical challenges have hampered empirical ecologists from quantifying the dynamic processes behind such changing beta-diversity patterns. In this seminar, I will first give a brief review of the history of beta diversity research. I will then talk about novel numerical methods to additively partition the temporal changes in beta diversity into components that reflect local extinctions and colonizations (Tatsumi et al., 2020; Tatsumi et al., 2021). I will show that the partitioning of dynamic processes behind beta diversity can provide more mechanistic insights into the spatiotemporal organization of biodiversity.