
2018年6月11日 林志高:New ideas for wastewater treatment


讲座题目: New ideas for wastewater treatment
主讲人:林志高 教授 台湾交通大学环境工程研究所
主持人:谢冰 教授
主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

        林志高教授1989 年八月于取得博士学位后,即赴华盛顿州立大学土木环工系担任访问助理教授一学年,1990年8月任台湾新竹交通大学环境工程研究所副教授,1999 年8月任教授一职至今,期间两度 (2002/08-2004/07; 2012/08-2014/07) 兼任环境工程研究所所长。


        Energy, water, and food are the issues facing humanity and are currently the three major issues that the world is paying attention to. In terms of water treatment, in the traditional sewage treatment process, mainly aerobic biological treatment is used. In addition to high energy consumption and high carbon footprint, a large amount of sludge will be generated; therefore, “resource recovery” “energy self-sufficiency” and “Carbon neutrality” is a new idea for the development of future sewage treatment technologies. Based on this new idea, this report mainly shares the “New Age Wastewater Treatment Technology”. This new generation of sewage treatment technology has been published in international journals, and has obtained Taiwan and Japanese patents. It is expected that in the future, it will be able to maximize its effectiveness and effectiveness in sewage treatment plants and further promote the recycling economy.