
9月28日 秦建光:Aquaculture Development and Research Progress fish ontogeny and cannibalism


题  目:Aquaculture Development and Research Progress fish ontogeny and cannibalism
主持人:陈立侨 教授
时  间:2015年9月28日13:30-15:00 (周一下午)
地  点:闵行生科院534报告厅
报告人简介:秦建光,澳大利亚弗林德斯大学生物系终身正教授。 1982年获大连水产学院农学学士学位,1988年获美国俄克拉何马大学理学硕士学位, 1994年获美国俄亥俄州立大学博士学位, 1994-1996在美国夏威夷大学从事博士后研究。1997-2003在澳大利亚弗林德斯大学生物系任讲师, 2004-2008任高级讲师,2009-2012任副教授, 2013至今任终身正教授。秦建光教授多年来始终从事水生生物和水产科学研究。在水生生物生态学,生理学,营养学,行为学及发育生殖学等领域的研究有独特见解。在研究生教育方面,着重于运用方法论培养学生创造力、独立思考能力、分析问题和解决问题能力。既培养学生的研究兴趣,又让学生享受研究的过程和成果。目前已完成指导20名博士研究生,发表2本书,170多篇期刊文章和10多篇章节。 担任5种国际杂志的副主编或编委。
报告内容简介:The worldwide decline of ocean fisheries stocks has provided impetus for rapid growth of aquaculture. In the last two decade, aquaculture has shown the fastest growth (8% per annum) compared to terrestrial farmed meat production. Aquaculture contributes to nearly 50% of seafood for human consumption and is expected to grow further to meet the world demand. This seminar presents the latest trend of aquaculture research and development. Specifically, the seminar will focus on the research outcomes on larval fish development, swim bladder inflation in fish larvae and its implication to reduction of fish mortality, and the mechanism of fish cannibalism and implication to fish culture. Larvae show a positive correlation between gut fullness and body density when fed live food. The correlation weakens with age and we suggest that the weakening was due to improved buoyancy control provided by the swim bladder and improved digestion. Transition from rotifers to brine shrimp feeding is a critical stage for fish larvae, and mortalities can be significantly reduced during this period by managing the timing of live feed throughout the day. Intracohort cannibalism is a common event in the culture of carnivorous fish in the early life stage. Cannibalism can lead to substantial fish mortalities and cause a great economic loss. The current practice to control cannibalism in aquaculture is by size grading, but the efficiency of size-grading is highly dependent on the size difference of large and small individuals. This research was to test size-dependent cannibalism in a highly cannibalistic fish, the barramundi Lates calcarifer. These results indicate the presence of cannibalistic polyphenism in barramundi and a cannibal can ingest conspecific prey up to 78-72% of its body length.