
2016-05-31(周二)下午1:30 Urban Transition and Global Environmental Change: Lessons and implications for a sustainable future


讲座题目:Urban Transition and Global Environmental Change: Lessons and implications for a sustainable future

主讲人:黄书礼 教授

主持人:车 越 教授



主办单位:生态与环境科学学院 科技处

报告人简介:黄书礼 教授,1983年取得美国宾夕法尼亚大学都市及区域规划博士,目前为台北大学都市计划研究所特聘教授兼全球变迁与永续科学研究中心主任,并曾担任台北大学学术副校长。黄教授研究的主领域主要包括两部分:(1)生态土地使用规划(Ecological land use planning);以及(2) 以系统生态学(Systems ecology)取向的生态能量分析(Ecological energetic analysis) 与都市系统仿真 (Urban system simulation),并发展都市能量理论。近十年来,更将研究领域跨入与全球环境变迁(Global Environmental Change)相关的都市与土地研究。自2010年10月起黄教授受邀成为 IHDP Urbanization and Global Environmental Change (UGEC) 计划的科学委员(Scientific Steering Committee),协助该计划的推动。黄教授曾荣获台湾科技部(前国科会)杰出研究奖(1991, 2012)。

报告摘要:Urbanization has many positive and negative consequences and plays a significant role in the interaction between urban areas and global environmental change. Currently, there are more than 50% of population resides in urban areas which generate more than 90% of global economy, consume more than 65% of the world’s energy and emit 70 % of global greenhouse gas emission. Urbanization, both as a social phenomenon and a physical transformation of landscapes, is a powerful, often irreversible and highly visible anthropogenic force worldwide. The urban economic and ecological systems are physically connected by the throughput of energy and matter from the natural ecosystems which sustain economic activities, while on the other hand by the goods and services from economic system which augment life-support functions of the ecosystem. These characteristics and the inflows of energy and materials and outflows for exchanging goods and services are equally important in a biophysical view of urbanization. The characteristics of urban form (e.g. density, land use mix, connectivity, and accessibility) as effected by urban transition is an important issues for climate change mitigation. Even though urban areas only account for a small percentage of the Earth’s land surface, expanding cities tend to appropriate a disproportionate share of the ecosystems in terms of resource inputs and waste sinks. The loss of agro-ecosystem services also has become a significant issue of peri-urbanization. Land use and land cover change, especially when coupled with climate change, are likely to affect socioeconomic viability and ecosystem function of urban systems in many complex ways. Despite the economic prosperity in cities, the urban and economic growth still cannot mitigate the climate impacts due to the insufficient adaptive capacity and resulted in the challenge to urban resilience and vulnerability. Challenge and opportunities of spatial planning to implement strategies for mitigating and adapting to climate change are also discussed.