
2015年7月27日(周一)上午10:00:Bioavailability of trace metals to aquatic microorganisms: Importance of chemical, biological and physical processes on biouptake


题目Bioavailability of trace metals to aquatic microorganisms: Importance of chemical, biological and physical processes on biouptake

报告人K. J. Wilkinsond教授

主持人:何德富 副教授



报告人简介:K. J. Wilkinson是加拿大蒙特利尔大学教授,环境毒理学和环境化学方面的国际知名学者。他的研究集中在分子水平上探讨环境污染物的生物有效性、转移和毒性机制等。目前的工作重点还包括改善纳米材料的检测分析技术和微量金属的环境形态,他最近建立了一个世界级的分析实验室(CACEN)专门从事纳米材料的表征。K. J. Wilkinson教授是Environmental Chemistry的副主编和Environmental Science and Technology (2009)的特邀编辑。K. J. Wilkinson已发表论文140多篇,他引5800多次,H指数为43

报告简介An important challenge in environmental biogeochemistry is the determination of the bioavailability of toxic and essential trace compounds in natural media. For trace metals, it is now clear that chemical speciation must be taken into account when predicting bioavailability.  Over the past 30 years, equilibrium models (free ion activity model, biotic ligand model) have been increasingly developed to describe their bioavailability in environmental systems, despite the fact that environmental systems are always dynamic and rarely at equilibrium. In these simple (relatively successful) models, any reduction in the available, reactive species of the metal due to competition, complexation or other reactions will reduce metal bioaccumulation and thus its effects. Recently, it has become clear that biological, physical and chemical reactions occurring in the immediate proximity of the biological surface also play an important role in controlling trace metal bioavailability through shifts in the limiting metal fluxes. Indeed, examples of biological (transport across membrane), chemical (dissociation kinetics of metal complexes) and physical (diffusion) limitation can be demonstrated. The objective of this presentation will be to discuss the important processes leading to biological uptake (of metals) in order to make better predictions of metal bioavailability.  Several examples of our recent research into the lanthanide series metals and nanoparticles will be discussed.

