
【校级报告】Seeing life in a new light: from simple classical physics to quantum-enhanced imaging



报告人单位:Texas A&M University

主持人:Konstantin E. Dorfman


地点: 闵行校区光学大楼B325会议室

报告摘要(report abstract)

The progress of biomedical sciences depends on the availability of advanced instrumentation and imaging tools capable of attaining the state of biological systems in vivo without using exogenous markers. Mechanical forces and local elasticity play a central role in understanding physical interactions in all living systems.  We demonstrate a novel way to image microscopic viscoelastic properties of biological systems using Brillouin microspectroscopy [1]. In my talk, I will discuss the ways how an old spectroscopic tool can be used for real time microscopic imaging [2-3] and provide possible solutions to long standing problems in Life Sciences and Medicine [4-5] while advancing instrumentation beyond classical limits [6].


[1] Zh. Meng, A. Traverso, C. Ballmann, M. Troyanova-Wood, and V. V. Yakovlev, “Seeing cells in a new light: a renaissance of Brillouin spectroscopy,” Advances in Optics and Photonics 8(2), 300-327 (2016).

[2] Zh. Meng, S. C. Bustamante-Lopez, K. E. Meissner and V. V. Yakovlev, “Subcellular imaging of mechanical and chemical properties using Brillouin microspectroscopy,” Journal of Biophotonics 9(3), 201-207 (2016).

[3] C. W. Ballmann, Zh. Meng, A. J. Traverso, M. O. Scully, and V. V. Yakovlev “Impulsive Brillouin microscopy,” Optica 4(1), 124-128 (2017).

[4] Zh. Meng, T. Thakur, C. Chitrakar, M. K. Jaiswal, A. K. Gaharwar, and V. V. Yakovlev, “Assessment of local heterogeneity in mechanical properties of a bulk hydrogel network,” ACS Nano 11(8), 7690–7696 (2017).

[5] M. Troyanova-Wood, Zh. Meng, and V. V. Yakovlev, “Differentiating melanoma and healthy tissues based on elasticity-specific Brillouin microspectroscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 10(4), 1774-1781 (2019).

[6] T Li, F Li, X Liu, VV Yakovlev, GS Agarwal, “Quantum-enhanced stimulated Brillouin scattering spectroscopy and imaging,” Optica9(8), 959-964 (2022)

报告人简介(Profile of the Rapporteur)



2023TEES Research Impact Award, Texas A&M University

2022College of Engineering Excellence – Outstanding Contribution, Texas A&M University

2022TEES Engineering Genesis Award, Texas A&M University

2022Office of Naval Research Distinguished Fellow

2021TEES Faculty Fellow Award, Texas A&M University

2021SPIE Harold E. Edgerton Award in High-Speed Optics

2021Office of Naval Research Distinguished Fellow

2019University Professor, Texas A&M University

2019TEES Faculty Fellow Award, Texas A&M University

2019TEES Engineering Genesis Award, Texas A&M University

2019ASEE/Air Force Summer Fellowship Award

2018 - 2019Visiting Professorship, University of Malaya, Malaysia

2018ASEE/Air Force Summer Fellowship Award

2018 - 2019Guangbiao Chair Professor of Physics, Zhejiang University, China

2018Dean of Engineering Excellence Award, Texas A&M University

2017ASEE/Air Force Summer Fellowship Award

2015Fellow APS (The American Physical Society)

2015Herbert H. Richardson Faculty Fellow

2015William E. Lamb Medal for Laser Physics and Quantum Optics

2014Eugene Webb Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M University

2014Fellow AIMBE (The American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering)

2014Fellow SPIE (The International Society for Optics and Photonics)

2012Fellow OSA (The Optical Society of America)

2010 – 2012Visiting Professor, A*STAR, Singapore

2010University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Research Foundation Senior Research Award

2010 – 2011 Air Force Office of Scientific Research Senior Consortium Fellow

2008ASEE/Air Force Summer Fellowship Award

2007 ASEE/Air Force Summer Fellowship Award

2005 - 2006 Visiting Professorship, Osaka University, Japan

2004University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Graduate School Research Award

2003University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Foundation Research Award

2000CAREER Award (NSF)

1999Research Corporation Award

1999University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Graduate School Research Award

1990Moscow State University Young Scientist Award

1985 - 1987 Lenin's fellowship - the most prestigious fellowship in the former USSR

1984 - 1985Khokhlov’s fellowship


June 1990

Faculty of Physics, Department of Radiophysics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia Ph.D. in quantum electronics

January 1987

Faculty of Physics, Department of Radiophysics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia BS / MS in physics


January 2012 - present

Professor (with tenure)

Department of Biomedical Engineering, Texas A&M University

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University

Department of Physics and Astronomy, Texas A&M University

August 2007 –2011

Professor (with tenure)

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

2005 –2006

Visiting Professor

Department of Physiology and Biosignaling, Osaka University Medical School, Osaka, Japan (on sabbatical leave)

2002 - 2007

Associate Professor (with tenure)

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

1998 - 2002

Assistant Professor

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

1996 –1998

Assistant Project Physicist  

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California at San Diego

1992 - 1996

Post-graduate Researcher

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California at San Diego


Laser Engineer

Novatec Laser Systems Inc., San Diego, California

1990 - 1991

Research Scientist

International Laser Center, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

1987 - 1990

Graduate Research Associate

Department of Radiophysics, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Optical Society of America (OSA); Fellow

American Physical Society (APS); Fellow

The International Society of Optical Engineering (SPIE), Fellow

American Institute for Medial and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), Fellow

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Citation index: 9353 (June 2023), h-index = 53 (Google Scholar)

Over 400 journal publications and conference proceeding, over 200 invited talks.