
【校级报告】Object position and movement monitoring based on magnetic sensors and artificial intelligence


报告人:高海滨 研究员     

主持人:楼柿涛 副研究员     




高海滨博士于1984年进入复旦大学物理二系(近代物理研究所)学习。88年获得理学学士。91年获得理学硕士。91年到95年师从时任复旦校长杨福家院士并于19951月获理学博士学位。他在短期于中科院上海应用物理研究所博士后工作后,于19959月来德国萨尔大学(Saarland University)物理系从事纳米科技研究,主要在纳米磁学,表面结构分析及新型磁性传感器及应用等方向。他于2001年取得终身教职,现在全面主持研究组工作。高海滨博士参加并主持过多项德国研究基金委(DFG),联邦科技和教育部(BMBF),萨尔州及欧盟资助的科研项目。其中他申请并主持管理的欧盟第六次框架项目ISMAEL得到了广泛好评和媒体报道。和中科院上海应用物理研究所在DNA研究以及和上海华东师范大学在高灵敏度磁性传感器上的合作项目都得到了德国研究基金会和中国自然科学基金委(NSFC)的资助。前者被选为十个中德合作优秀项目之一,在2001年北京中国自然科学基金委及中德交流中心落成仪式上展出。高博士发表了近50篇学术期刊论文,并是多家物理和工程类期刊和会议的审稿人。他是2006年德国萨尔州最高科技奖(SaarLB Wissenschaftspreis)获得者。研究成果曾经被2007年诺贝尔物理奖获得者格林贝格博士在他的诺贝尔奖获奖讲座内展示。


Real-time monitoring of an object's position, velocity, and direction is essential information in many application areas. In this talk, we will report on our group's progress in obtaining the above information using magnetic sensors and artificial intelligence. In recent years, real-time monitoring of security fences installed around important buildings has become very important for improving the level of security. By using magnetic sensors installed inside the fence grid, we can not only detect whether there is an intrusion into the fence, but also what kind of intrusion it is. In addition, in recent years, self-driving cars and robots, etc., have developed significantly. However, in practical applications, how to prevent possible erroneous movements of self-driving cars and robots from affecting the surrounding environment, especially the surrounding people, is an important factor to consider. The integration of multiple sensors and information processing methods in self-driving cars is the focus of current research and development. Here, we try to provide an approach that uses magnetic sensors, edge devices integrated around the sensors, and artificial intelligence to monitor the position and speed of these moving objects externally to provide accurate data and information for further follow-up actions. This approach can be generalized to other sensors and used for other applications, such as monitoring the health of elderly people living alone.