
【校级报告】Superradiance of strongly interacting Rydberg gases


报告人:李伟斌 教授      

主持人:黄国翔 教授     




An ensemble of excited atoms can synchronize emission of light collectively in a process known as superradiance when its characteristic size is smaller than the wavelength of emitted photons. The underlying superradiance depends strongly on electromagnetic fields surrounding the atomic ensemble. We show, both theoretically and experimentally, that the van der Waals interactions between Rydberg atoms change the superradiant dynamics and modify the scaling of the superradiance. Furthermore, when Rydberg atoms are coupled by a microwave field, a series of stationary phases, including uniform, antiferromagnetic, oscillatory, and bistable and multistable phases can be obtained.  Our numerical simulations show that the bistable and multistable phases are stabilized by superradiance in a long, one dimensional chain. This setting even allows us to observe non-stationary, oscillatory phases. Our study shows that novel phases and dynamics can be engineered by the dissipation and interactions of Rydberg atoms.


李伟斌,诺丁汉大学物理与天文学院副教授,博士导师。主要从事里德堡原子物理和量子光学、和量子计算等的研究,在Science,Nature,Phys. Rev. X,Phys. Rev. Lett.等国际刊物上发表90余篇论文。主持承担欧盟、英国等多项科研项目。2010年获得欧盟玛丽-居里学者,2013年获得诺丁汉高等研究学者资助。担任Science,Phys.Rev.Lett.,Phys. Rev. X等学术杂志审稿人,兼任Scientific Reportseditorial board member Frontiers in Physicsassociate editor