报告人:Quentin Glorieux
单位:University Pierre and Marie Curie巴黎第六大学
ZOOM会议 ID:830 5458 5996,密码:123456
After his engineering degree at Institut d’Optique and his Master degree at Ecole Polytechnique, Quentin Glorieux went to graduate school at the Paris Diderot University. In 2010, he earned a PhD in Quantum Optics at the laboratory Matériaux et Phénomènes Quantiques under the supervision of Pr Thomas Coudreau. During his PhD, he demonstrated the generation of multispatial mode entangled states using four-wave mixing in hot atomic vapors.
In 2010, he joined Paul Lett’s group at NIST in Gaithersburg as a postdoctoral fellow in the Laser Cooling group directed by William Phillips. Quentin Glorieux was awarded a Marie Curie European IOF fellowship in 2011 to initiate a project on Multimode Quantum Memories with the NIST, the Australian National University and the group of Nicolas Gisin at University of Geneva.
In September 2013, Quentin Glorieux has started a position of Associate Professor at University Pierre and Marie Curie (UPMC) in Paris as a member of the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB). In 2014, Quentin Glorieux received the City of Paris Young Scientist “Emergences” Award which provides fundings to start an independent research group. In 2018, he has been nominated Junior Fellow of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF).
Since then, he conducts two experimental activities on:
Nanophotonics: studying the coupling of single-photon emitters to nanostructures such as nanofiber
Quantum fluid of light: investigating superfluidity of light propagating in atomic media.
Light propagating in a non-linear medium mimics the behavior of a superfluid and follows the Gross Pitaevskii equation. We use this platform to simulate out-of-equilibirium physics and in particular I will report about recent results on 2D quantum turbulence in a superfluid. I will present the emergence of isotropy after an isotropic forcing and the appearance of an inverse energy cascade evidenced by a Kolmogorov spectrum of the incompressible kinetic energy.