报告人:Mikhail I. Kolobov 教授
单位:University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille 法国里尔科学技术大学
主持人:荆杰泰 教授
ZOOM会议 ID:883 3564 2768,密码:123456
Mikhail Kolobov received his MSc in physics in 1986, PhD in quantum optics in 1989 both from the University of Leningrad, URSS, and DSc in theoretical physics in 1998 from the University of Essen, Germany. Since 2001 he is professor at the department of physics, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France. His main research interests are in theoretical quantum optics, quantum imaging, and quantum information. He is editor of the book “Quantum Imaging” (Springer, NY, 2006). He was Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Stanford University from February to July, 2012.
Quantum imaging has established itself as a branch of quantum optics which investigates the ultimate performance limits in optical imaging imposed by the quantum nature of light. In the first part of this talk we shall give an overview of some topics of quantum imaging.
The second part of the talk will be devoted to the quantum limits of optical resolution. We shall try to convince the audience that one can overcome the Rayleigh resolution limit if one has a priori information about the object. A picture below is an illustration of super-resolution in two-dimensional case using a priori knowledge that the object is located inside a circle (left). While the observed diffracted image is clearly beyond the Rayleigh limit (centre), we can reconstruct the original object (right) with super-resolution beyond the Rayleigh limit. We shall try to explain the quantum limits of such a reconstruction technique.