
GrÜneisen Parameters: origin, identity and quantum refrigeration


报告题目:GrÜneisen Parameters: origin, identity and quantum refrigeration






管习文,研究员,19989月获吉林大学博士学位,先后在德国和巴西从事博士后研究工作,20032-200812月在澳大利亚国立大学任科研研究员(Research Fellow B),20091月提升为高级研究员(Research Fellow C),201210月起任中科院武汉物理与数学研究所研究员。美国哈佛大学、洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室等世界一流研究机构的高级访问学者,清华大学高等研究院客座教授,香港中文大学杨振宁访问学人。国家自然基金重点项目及科技部重点专项的首席专家,主要从事低维量子多体系统理论方面的研究工作,在Rev. Mod. Phys., Advance in PhysicsPhys. Rev. Lett., Nucl. Phys. B, Phys. Rev. A/BEPL, J. Phys A等重要学术刊物上发表100多篇论文。特别在冷原子气体、自旋液体和强关联电子体系的严格解方面取得了一些重要的进展和成就,一些结果在近几年的重要实验中得到验证。现为J. Phys. A 编辑部的Adversary Panel成员。


In solid state physics, the GrÜneisen parameter (GP), originally defined as a derivative of the crystal lattice frequency with respect to the volume of the system, can be widely used to quantify the spectrum properties induced by external potential changes. However, the GP is very little known for quantum gases with interactions. In this talk, we will present general results of the GPs on its origin, new identity and applications in quantum gases of ultracold atoms. We prove that the scaling invariance of the entropy leads to a surprisingly simple identity among the volume, magnetic field and interaction driven GPs, quantifying universal scalings of quantum fluctuations and interaction driven magnetocaloric effect in quantum gases. We also find that the entropy accumulation near a quantum phase transition leads to a rapid reduction of temperature through an adiabatic change of either interaction or magnetic field. Thus the interaction ramp-up and -down provide a promising protocol of quantum refrigeration in addition to the adiabatic demagnetization cooling. Using exactly Bethe ansatz solutions, we further confirm the above rigorous results of the GP and discuss the quantum heat engine and refrigeration in one-dimensional Bose and Femi gases.