
Coherent control and precision measurement of a single molecular ion


讲座题目Coherent control and precision measurement of a single molecular ion

主讲人Physicist James Chin-wen Chou





James Chin-wen Chou2006年在加州理工大学获得博士学位,博士期间主要从事基于原子的量子信息网络与传输方面的工作;2007 - 2011年间在美国NIST David Wineland的研究小组做博士后,主要围绕铝离子光钟进行研究。研制成两台不确定度为E-18的铝离子光钟,并用这两台钟精确地验证了相对论效应;2013 - 2016年,科罗拉多大学 Senior Research Associate2016年后成为美国NISTPhysicist,主要围绕分子离子精密光谱、量子操控与存储等方面研究。


After remarkable progress with laser cooled atoms in diverse fields from atomic clocks to quantum information processing, physicists are exploring a next frontier: cold molecules. While these systems could lead to profound developments, for example probing the predictions of fundamental theories and realizing controlled chemical reactions, the vibrational and rotational degrees of freedom in molecules pose a formidable challenge for preparation and manipulation of their quantum mechanical states. The complicated molecular level structures render the highly successful methods in atomic physics inapplicable to most molecules. By driving stimulated Raman transitions with a continuous-wave laser, we demonstrate a general protocol for preparation, coherent manipulation, and nondestructive detection of quantum states in single molecular ions. We also drive rotational transitions in the terahertz range with a frequency comb, enabling transfer of population between rotational levels and precise determination of the transition frequency. Our work provides a versatile toolbox for the study of a broad range of molecular ions, adding to the capabilities developed in atomic physics over the last several decades. This opens the path to applications in fundamental physics, metrology, and quantum control.