
Photodetectors for Optical Communications and Sensing


讲座题目Photodetectors for Optical Communications and Sensing



讲座时间2017.6.9 15:30



任旻(PhD, IEEE Member, OSA Member)毕业于华东师范大学,师从曾和平教授和吴光教授,于2013年获博士学位。博士毕业后加入University of VirginiaProf. Joe C. Campbell National Academy of Engineering MemberIEEE Fellow, APS Fellow, OSA Fellow)的小组从事雪崩光电二极管(APDs)和高速光电探测器的研究工作,研究领域涵盖经典光通讯,量子通讯,激光测距与遥感。任旻自研究生阶段以来,在国际科研期刊(Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics Express, Physical Review A, et al.)发表论文二十余篇。其论文被选为封面文章(Applied Optics),Editor’s Pick Applied Physics Letters),并被报道在Nature Photonics News & Views。多次在国际会议中做邀请报告(CLEO, SPIE)。OSA资深审稿人。


This talk will focus on p-i-n and avalanche photodiodes. Their performance parameters and the physical effects that determine those parameters will be discussed. Specific topics will include the following:

  1. Photodiode fundamentals, e.g., responsivity, dark current, bandwidth, and noise

  2. High-speed photodiodes

  3. Normal-incidence versus waveguide photodiodes

  4. Photodiodes for Si photonics

  5. Avalanche photodiode concepts

  • Excess noise

  • Gain-bandwidth product

  1. III-V-based and Si-based avalanche photodiodes

  2. Single photon detection

  3. Laser ranging and sensing with SPAD