
Exploring plasmonic hot spots and their dynamics in the near field by photoemission electron microscopy


讲座题目Exploring plasmonic hot spots and their dynamics in the near field by photoemission electron microscopy

主讲人Dr. Quan Sun






16.4- 日本北海道大学,助理教授

17.1- 吉林大学,吉林省白山座教授

11.4-16.3 日本北海道大学,特任助理教授

09.1-11.3 日本北海道大学,博士后(合作教授:Hiroaki Misawa

06.3-08.12 加拿大拉瓦大学,博士后(合作教授:See Leang Chin and Réal Vallée


00.9-06.1 北京大学物理学院代光学研究所,理学博士


96.9-00.7 北京大学物理系,理学学士 (: 教授)


Metallicnanoparticles can enable the localization of electromagneticfields on nanometer length scalesresulted from localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs). The areas with greatly enhanced electromagnetic field are often referred to plasmonic hot spots. Spatially and temporally resolving plasmonic hot spots become very crucial but still remains experimentally challenging. We report experimental studies toward this aim using photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) with high spatial resolution of sub-10 nm. Various engineered gold nanostructure arrays are investigated via PEEM using near-infrared femtosecond laser pulses as the excitation source. We have explored the hot spots of both dipole and high order LSPRs. Not only bright (superradiant) but also dark (subradiant) LSPR modes can be identified. More importantly, the dynamics (dephasing) of the LSPRs are studied by time-resolved PEEM. In particular, we experimentally prove that the subradiant quadrupole mode have longer dephasing time than the superradiant dipole mode. Furthermore, we spatially and spectrally resolved hybridized plasmon modes in coupled plasmonic systems from the near field and discuss the crossover between plasmonic Fano resonance and plasmon hybridization.