
Quantum computing and precision measurement in cold atom traps


讲座题目Quantum computing and precision measurement in cold atom traps

主讲人Dr. Tian Xia

主持人:武海斌 教授

讲座时间: 2016.9.27 上午1000

讲座地点: 理科大楼A814




Part I: In University of Wisconsin-Madison, We have developed a 2D array of optically trapped single atom qubits for quantum computation experiments. We characterize single qubit Clifford gate operations with randomized benchmarking achieving global and site selected gates with fidelities close to fault tolerance thresholds for quantum computation. A two-qubit Rydberg blockade interaction provides a CNOT gate which is used to create entangled Bell pairs. The fidelity is characterized with parity oscillation measurements.

Part II: A permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of an atom signifies the violation of both parity (P) and time-reversal (T) symmetries. Measurements of atomic EDM open a promising avenue towards new physics beyond the Standard Model. 225Ra is an ideal case due to a strong nuclear octupole deformation, making its atomic EDM more sensitive to T-violating effects. 225Ra is radioactive with a half-life of 15 days. 171Yb is a stable isotope with atomic properties and transitions similar to those of 225Ra. It is particularly useful as a proxy for testing various measurement schemes and investigates systematic errors. We propose to construct a cold Yb trap system for EDM measurement.