讲座题目: Cold Atoms Inside Optical Cavities
主讲人:Prof. Han Pu
讲座时间:2016.7.11 14:00
Han Pu obtained his Ph.D. in physics in 1999 from the Univ. of Rochester. After a postdoc experience at Univ. of Arizona, he joined the faculty of Rice University in 2003, where he is now a professor of physics. He works in the field of theoretical ultracold atomic physics. His current interest includes cold atoms inside optical cavities, low-dimensional quantum gases, and cold atoms with synthetic spin-orbit coupling. He is a fellow of American Physical Society.
Two-level atoms interacting with quantized cavity field has been a well-studied topic in cavity Quantum electrodynamics (CQED). In traditional CQED studies, we usually ignore the center-of-mass motions of the atom, and only concerns with the coupling between the cavity fields and the atomic internal degrees of freedom. We show here that, by including the atomic motion, new interesting physics will emerge. For example, the cavity field will induce a dynamical coupling between the external and the internal degrees of freedom of the atom. As concrete examples, we examine how the atomic motion affects the Jaynes-Cummings model and the Dicke model, two well known models in CQED.