报告人:Kiyoshi Ueda 教授
主持人:吴健 教授
时 间:2023年10月14日10:30至12:00
地 点:闵行校区光学大楼B325会议室
Kiyoshi Ueda,日本东北大学教授。Ueda教授1982年博士毕业于日本京都大学,1982年至1990年在日本东北大学任助理教授,1990年至2003年任副教授,自2003年起任正教授。任PRX、JPB等国际知名学术期刊编委,ICPEAC等国际知名学术会议主席或学术委员。研究方向包括原子分子团簇纳米体系的超快动力学,迄今发表论文650余篇,包括4篇Nature Photonics,4篇Nature Physics,9篇Nature Communications,1篇Science Advances,2篇PNAS,9篇PRX,52篇PRL等,H因子57。
The talk will first illustrate status of the titled study with short-wavelength free-electron lasers (FELs), focusing on characteristic properties of different facilities. The first high repetition rate soft X-ray FEL, European XFEL, combined with REMI/COLTRIMS, made a long-standing dream to watch atoms in action, initiated by photoexcitation of a molecule, a tangible reality [1]. Generations of two-colour attosecond pulses at LCLS in the USA opened the door to watch charge in action that occurs in the attosecond timescale [2]. Generating phase-coherent multi-colour pulses at FERMI, on the hand, provided a novel approach to coherently control the electronic wave-packet [3] and to read out the photoionization phase, or attosecond photoionization time delay [4]. The talk will also address the titled study with laboratory attosecond pulse train light sources, complementary to FELs, combined with combined with REMI/COLTRIMS [5,6]. I acknowledge all the collaborators in the authors list of [1-6] for fruitful collaborations.
[1] G. Kastirke et al., PRX 10, 021052 (2020); PCCP 24, 27121 (2022).
[2] T. Barillot et al., PRX 11, 031048 (2021).
[3] K. Prince et al., Nat. Photon. 10, 176 (2016); D. Iablonskyi et al., PRL 119, 073203 (2017); D. You et al., New J. Phys. 21, 113036 (2019).
[4] M. Di Fraia et al., PRL 123, 213904 (2019); D. You et al., PRX 10, 031070 (2020).
[5] X. Gong et al., PRX 12, 011002 (2022); W. Jiang et al. Nat. Commun. 13, 5072 (2022).
[6] S. Heck et al., PRL 129, 133002 (2022); M. Han et al., Nat. Phys. 19, 230 (2023).