
经管双周论坛第12期 | 邓留纯:Believers versus Skeptics: Experimentation in Public Good Provision



时  间:2024年9月18日(周三)13:30-15:00

地  点:普陀校区理科大楼A1214

腾讯会议: 235-977-610密码:804-216



题  目:Believers versus Skeptics: Experimentation in Public Good Provision

Abstract:People often hold diverse beliefs about the relevance and effectiveness of public policies, which influence policy actions. In turn, the resulting policy outcomes shape the evolution of these beliefs, creating a feedback loop that drives the development of policies over time. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model of public good provision and belief evolution, establishing the existence of a unique interior equilibrium. In this equilibrium, we fully characterize the conditions under which increased belief heterogeneity (or belief polarization) leads to higher public good contributions. We also explore how our results can be generalized to scenarios where public good contributions are durable or where corner solutions arise.
